In this blog, an attempt has been made to publish some questions and answers related to the topic Herbarium. 1. A place where dried plant specimens are collected ? a) Botanical garden b) Herbarium c) Arboretum d) All of the above Answer: - Herbarium The term " herbarium " refers to a collection of dried plant specimens placed on paper sheets. The plants are often obtained in situ (i.e., where they were growing in nature), recognised by professionals, crushed, and then properly mounted to archival paper and stored in organized manner so that all main morphological traits are evident. Botanical Garden :- It is a live collection, cultivation and conservation of different varieties of plants, for the purpose of Scientific research, display and for education. Arboretum :- For a greener, healthier, and more beautiful environment, the Arboretum fosters the planting and conservation of trees a...